AZ Pranic Healing

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Tips for an Energetically Cleaner Diet

The words “dieting” or “eating better” or “healthy meals” are loaded terms in our minds. The concept is confused by new trends, fads, and dubious research. Calories, nutrients, hormones, pesticides, free range, organic, gmo, processed, gluten free--there is a vocabulary of terms we are taught to weigh and consider every time we sit down to a meal. However, if you view healthy eating through the lens of energy, the main thing to consider for eating healthy, is simply eating prana (energy) rich foods.


The main sources of energy for us are the sun, the ground, and the air (to learn more about prana and it’s sources click here. Naturally, it follows that the foods closest to these energy sources are also energetically the healthiest. Fruits and vegetables provide the most prana because the plant that produced them received energy directly from the sun, earth, and air.

As we get more removed from these ultimate sources of energy, the amount of prana in the food lessens. The prana in meats is diluted because the animal had to consume a plant to receive the energy so the link to the source is indirect. Energy is also dirtied by the tolls of living, so the meat of carnivores and scavengers is also filled with less rich prana than that of an herbivore. 


The further you move away from the sun, earth, and air with a food source, the less the abundance of prana you will receive from it. How a food is prepared and processed will also affect the quality of prana as well. A food fresh from a farm will provide cleaner, more abundant energy than food that was shipped across the country that stayed on the shelf for days. Similarly, foods that undergo a lot of treatment or processing will have their prana polluted and destroyed. Pesticides, hormones, and overcooking will result in unclean and diminished prana.


So, if you are looking to eat in a healthier way, ignore the newest flashy fad diet and pick foods rich in prana