AZ Pranic Healing

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CranioSacral Therapy after a Brain Injury or Stroke

After a brain injury or stroke you may consider getting physical therapy or speech therapy to help to regain lost abilities. These are amazing options (I am a speech language pathologist after all). However, although these therapies help to retrain the body/brain, how are you supporting the HEALING of the brain?

This is where CranioSacral Therapy, combined with traditional therapies, can help to achieve truly powerful results. CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle therapy that supports the body as a whole to allow for healing. This therapy not only allows for healing body-wide, but also specifically supports the neurological system (i.e. brain and spinal cord). Assisting the neurological system to repair after an injury also allows for the return of function of these damaged areas.

Don’t let a brain injury or stroke prevent you or your loved one from being able to do the everyday activities that have been lost. Whether it is a change in walking, eating, talking, reading, sensation, ability to work, etc., healing the affected brain tissue is the best way to regain the lost ability as well. 

* Call AZ Pranic Healing at (336) 457-2059 to schedule an appointment and we can create a plan based on YOUR needs and goals. Let’s work together to create the best possible outcome!