What is Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing is an energy healing modality that focuses on cleansing and energizing with prana, meaning life energy. Pranic healing facilitates change not only in the Energetic Body, but facilitates both mental and physical changes as well. Cleansing and providing new energy to the Energy Body accelerates the rate at which self-healing can occur in the Physical Body.

Modern day Pranic Healing was founded by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui who spent years researching energy healing from many different practices and then testing those concepts to determine the most effective healing system.  Pranic Healing is now practiced in over 120 countries worldwide.



Examples of cases seen by AZ Pranic Healing include, but are not limited to:

  • Anxiety

  • Back Pain

  • burns

  • chronic fatigue

  • constipation

  • cranial nerve dysfunction

  • depression

  • diarrhea

  • Epliepsy

  • frozen shoulder

  • Grief

  • Headaches/Migraines

  • inflammation


  • muscular dystrophy

  • nausea


  • neuropathy

  • open wounds

  • panic attacks

  • phobias

  • Pre/post surgery care

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd)

  • receding gums

  • shoulder pain

  • sinusitis/chronic sinus concerns

  • stress


  • Tendonitis

  • Tongue tie wounds


  • vomiting

General Information

  • Session length is 50 minutes.

  • Individual sessions cost $150.

  • Discounted pre-paid bundle package of 5 sessions for $725 are available for clients who would like a series of sessions. These sessions are meant to be used within 3 months.

  • A series of sessions is necessary to address chronic or complex concerns and for all new clients.

  • Individual sessions may be used to address an acute issue, a symptom of a more chronic concern, or an energetic “tune-up”. *Please note: single sessions are only for established clients.


An energetically dirty environment will not only affect the health of the energy system, but the mental, physical, and emotional health of the person as well. Keeping a clean energetic environment is essential to long-term health and happiness.

To learn how the energy in your environment is affecting your health… click here

New to Pranic Healing? Take a look at the answers to frequently asked questions by following this link: http://portal.globalpranichealing.com/en/faqs/

What is a Pranic Healing session like?

Distance sessions are a wonderful way for clients to receive Pranic Healing! Pranic Healing is a non-touch modality. Whether you are physically present or having your session from the comfort of your own home, the session is completed in the same manner. If you have a busy schedule, have mobility challenges, are not in the same location as the healer, or simply feel more comfortable in your own home, etc., Distance Pranic Healing sessions are a great option for you.

It is recommended to schedule a time when you are able to relax during your session. You may choose to sit or lie down, whichever is more comfortable, and simply relax with your eyes closed and tongue to your palate. Clients often become very relaxed and peaceful.

Clients are asked to shower/bathe prior to the session as it is best to wait 12-24 hours before showering/bathing after a Pranic Healing session because it can take this time for the energy to fully acclimate after a session. Therefore, you may not feel the full benefit of the session until the energy fully acclimates after 24 hours.


Click here for additional tips to get the most out of your Pranic Healing session.

 Ways to get the most benefit from your Pranic Healing session:

Before your session:

  1. Shower prior to your session, as it is best to wait 12-24 hours after the session to bathe.

  2. Remove crystals, silk, and large pieces of leather (ie: boots, belts).

During your session:

  1. Keep your thoughts positive.

  2. A prayer or affirmation can help, “I completely, deeply, permanently accept all the healing energy. Thank you”. This can be mentally repeated throughout the session to allow better absorption. A wandering mind is normal. Simply acknowledge your thoughts, dismiss them, and repeat your affirmation.

After your session:

  1. Refrain from showering or bathing for 12-24 hours after the session. Energy can take this long to fully assimilate.

  2. Eat light and easy to digest foods like partially cooked vegetables, soups, or stews. Digesting heavy, red meats can use up a lot of energy.

  3. Sleepiness after a session is normal. Rest is recommended. Your regular routine can be continued. However, excessive activities, emotions, or exercises is not recommended.

  4. Continue to keep your thoughts about the healing and your health state positive.

  5. Salt baths can be beneficial, repeat 1-2x/week to clean the energy field around your body, resulting in cleaner and stronger energy centers. 

  • Dissolve two cups of regular table salt/sea salt (not Epsom salt, as this has a different effect) into a tub full of enough to cover your whole body and soak for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off salt by regular shower afterward. 

Completing the Twin Hearts Meditation by Master Choa Kok Sui on a regular basis will continue the cleansing and healing process. This meditation can also induce a state of mental peace. Twin Hearts Meditation is available on iTunes, and is also known as the Planetary Meditation for Peace, as the extra energy harnessed will flow through you to Mother Earth. Here is a link to a short version of this meditation: http://portal.globalpranichealing.com/en/pranic-healing/meditation-on-twin-hearts/

Pranic Healing for Pets

We believe your furry friends are much more than just their physical bodies. They have emotional and psychological lives too, and they can be affected by the energies they encounter in the world, just like we humans are affected.

When cats and dogs are surrounded by stressful situations, they can accumulate negative energies. This causes imbalance and sometimes congestion in a pet’s energetic body which is reflected in their physical body in the form of symptoms.

Allison uses Pranic Healing to help balance the energetic system of your animal friend’s body to alleviate symptoms of stress, ailments, and disease.

Examples of pet physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms that have been treated by AZ Pranic Healing:














  • Kidney failure

I also had Allison do a couple sessions on me too for stress and health issues and WOW. I immediately started crying when she was done. Just releasing SO much stored emotional stress and trauma.
— Brittany
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Now offering: “6 Weeks to Stress Relief and Better Sleep”.


Click on these links news clips regarding Pranic Healing for more information and video clips of sessions: