Time for Self-Care

The seasons are changing and autumn has arrived. With the changes in the weather and the color of the leaves comes changes in our lives. The laid-back summer days are gone. Children return to school and we look ahead to the busy holidays. 
The renewed obligations that come with this season can leave us pressed for time, low on energy, and stressed. To make time and juggle all our responsibilities, we can quickly neglect ourselves. When taking care of everything else, looking after our own well-being is often the first thing to go. This month, I urge you to be cognizant of your health and well-being and make your self-care a priority. 
So often we defer our own care and maintenance, putting others first. If we are parents, business owners, caregivers, and spouses, our family members and team members always take precedence. We consider this to be the generous and helpful thing to do and ultimately what is best for their well-being. But if the cost of doing so is to weaken ourselves, we do the people we care about a disservice by weakening our level of care in the process. We cannot serve others to our highest potential if we are diminished. As we are warned every time we board an airplane, in the case of an emergency, secure your mask before aiding others.
This month, I ask that you take time to reflect on your self-care, especially if you are a caregiver, and make sure you are not neglecting yourself. 
There are many simple ways to look after your well-being. A few of my favorite strategies include:

  • Meditation (click here for more information on Meditation on Twin Hearts – and a short version of this powerful meditation, scroll to #6)

  • Get to bed early

  • Salt baths (for more information and the recipe click here, scroll to #5)

  • Taking a walk or doing a gentle yoga practice

  • Prayer

  • Cooking healthy meals (Click here for my blog on Eating an Energetically Cleaner Diet)

If you feel you need additional support, please feel free to reach out to discuss how CranioSacral Therapy and Pranic Healing can improve your health and well-being.